It is surprising how many Germans sing and where they do it. Music plays an important role in our lives. An app now helps to hit the notes when singing and to learn to sing correctly from the beginning.
Music and sounds are an everyday companion. Life consists of sounds and singing, from childhood. In childhood, sounds and music have a fundamental role in the development of language and cognitive skills. In adolescence, music often plays an important role in finding identity. In adulthood, music can play an important role in stress management and relaxation, and in the elderly to revive memories and emotions.
For many people, singing even has a therapeutic effect. It can relieve stress, increase well-being and express emotions. Singing releases hormones such as endorphins, which make people happy and provide a positive feeling. In addition, singing has a social component. It promotes a sense of community and creates connectedness. It serves as a means of expression, promotes health, strengthens the community and is an important part of German culture. Overall, singing is very important to people in Germany.
Where do Germans sing the most?
So here are some figures and statistics that give a first indication of when Germans like to sing most and where:
- Choirs: According to the German Choir Association (DCV), there are more than 60,000 choirs in Germany with over two million members. This means that around 2.4 percent of the German population sings in a choir.
- Karaoke: is a popular recreational activity. A survey by the opinion research institute YouGov found that 19 percent of the German population aged 18 to 24 sing karaoke at least once a month. Among 25- to 34-year-olds, the figure is still 10 percent.
- Singing in everyday life: Singing is also part of everyday life for many people in Germany. According to a 2019 survey by the German Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA), around 25% of Germans regularly sing while driving, cleaning or showering.
- Singing lessons: According to a survey conducted by the opinion research institute Forsa on behalf of the German Association of Singing Teachers (BDG), around 1.2 million people in Germany take singing lessons.
App Sawti to learn to sing properly
So many Germans sing. But do they hit the notes? This can now be determined with the app Sawti. Simply download it, plug headphones into your smartphone, and after a short recording to determine the pitch of your voice, you’re ready to go: At various levels, the goal is to correctly repeat the notes played, to hit the right pitch, and to complete rhythm exercises – in order to playfully master entire songs, from the bell yodel to Old MacDonald had a farm. The evaluation in the form of points comes with it. A certificate awaits at the end. The first three levels are free.
How well do Germans sing?
Germany’s musical culture has undoubtedly helped shape the country’s image as a center of classical music and song. Many famous composers, singers and choirs have their roots in Germany, and the nation has a long tradition of vocal training. Singing has an important role and a high status in society in Germany. It is a popular recreational activity practiced by many people of all ages.
Overall, however, it is of course hardly possible to judge how well people sing in a country, such as Germany. In the end, singing is an individual ability that is influenced by many factors. Genetic predisposition, musical upbringing, regular practice, and personal preferences are important. We from the Viennese startup Sawti can only try to give new courage to sing: Because it’s fun and every person can learn to sing well. Give it a try!